RAWR...I'm a dinosaur

Jul 02, 2010 18:08

Hey interwebs people...

So the fact of the matter is, I haven't posted on LJ for about three million years. I'm not sure that's the best to start a blog. One post and then SILENCE...

So, I have been ridiculously busy recently. I have had all my school exams (which are finally finished...thank god).  I have been frantically getting ready a school play...that I auditioned for last year! I have also been preparing for my grade 4 musical theatre exam (which I am pretty sure I failed). On top of all this I now can't go into town on saturdays and join in protests with my friends (which I really enjoy) because my omther has decided that if I want any money I have to get a job. Since I am in school all week that obviously means Goodby Saturday.

All this ridiculous stuff has finished this week and it feels like I just breathed the hugest sigh of relief  known to man. Last night I went to a gig my freinds band was playing and it felt like the first time I had had fun in ages! My friends band are called Odd Squad by the way, you should definitely myspace them.

If you would like you can read details of my ridiculous life...but I think just reading it will make you way too stressed.

This whole exam thing has really been driving me crazy. I am not even in my last year of high school yet but I have already had seven exams in the past month. What is the point of me taking an exam in a subjct when I haven't even finished the course. I don't think I left my house for the whole of Jun because I was studying. I haven't updated my LJ (as you can tell), Youtube channel or any of my fanfics. Which I feel bad for. It's not like I am even taking these exams in subjects I am going to use. I want to work in music or theatre. Tell me, how do either of those career paths require science, maths, history or psychology? Because I am on the gited and talented register, my teachers are expecting mostly A's and A*'s, meaning I have to go to loads of extra classes. To be honest, it seems like a lot of unessacery pressure in subjects that I am probably never going to use after next year!

Bugsy Malone
I auditioned for my school play (Bugsy Malone) almost twelve months ago to the day. When I auditioned I wa told the production would be finished by christmas so I auditioned. Thinking that the play would be over by the time my exams started. Christmas came and went and tha play wasn't ready. We were then told that the play would be performed in April. his would have been just be fore my exams started...It might have been a bit hectic for a coupl of weeks, but the play would be performed pretty much once my exams had started. April came and went and we still hadn't got the play ready. At this point I was getting really worried. All my academic teachers wanted me to attend extra revision classes, but my drama teacher wanted me for extra play rehearsals. At one point I even considered quitting the play, but since I had one of the main roles it wouldn't have been fair on the rest of the cast. We finally performed the play on Monday an Friday of this week. It was really fun and all, but I just wished it could have been done by april...then I might have gotten better grades in my exams.

I took my grade 4 singing exam on Saturday. I am almost sure I have failed. Since the exam was inmusical theatre style, part of the exam was talking with the examiner about the shows my peices were from. When it cam time for me to answer those questions my mid went completely blank. I couldn't belive it. My songs were from Anything Goes, Les Mis and Shall we dance...musicals I have seen multiple times. In the exam I barely managed to stutter out the characters I was playing. I felt so stupid.

ANYWHO all of this is finally over, and I will be taking the next six wekks to do absolutely nothing. I will be amazing :)


busy stressed school exams play bugsy ma

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