May 31, 2006 15:08

So Molly, Jenni, and I are at Dink's LAN and cafe right now. squeezed onto a couch.
I'm so full of cajun food right now. goodness gracious.
And i had an Ale 8. First soda in over two months! It kind of made my tummy hurt and i feel a bit jittery, but other than that, it's all alright.
There was a crazy thunderstorm about 30 minutes ago. All the gamers in the cafe groaned and left because the electricity went out. bahahaha.
We got here last night around 1130. Molly got mad because i put T.a.T.u on one of the mixes. [i think she secretly liked it] And I think Jenni feels left out because she doesn't have a lesbian mullet like we do. or don't. For some reason bugs kept flying into my windshield so i had bug guts everywhere. We did hit a lightning bug and that was pretty cool looking for a while because it glowed. As soon as i cleaned them off, we went through another "bug storm" and now they are all over my windshield. AGAIN. great. We spent the night at Esti's and made a blanket fort, but it didn't last very long.
This is a boring entry but we haven't really done much yet. We're having a slumber party at Tif's tonight and i will see all my loves!
mm, pictures soon.

p.s.- "What if you lived in Granny's Crack?"
hahahaha. I don't know, Molly. I just don't know.

"There is sour worm salt all over the seats back here!"
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