May 15, 2005 21:41
getting stuck in traffic is never fun. but getting stuck in traffic at 11:15 at night, after youve had a long day and driven forever to support the baseball team, and you have to go to the bathroom, and you move 2 miles in 1.5 hours, and you have a panic attack...that is WAY not fun.
so wow. friday night was crazy, but saturday was really mellow. hung around all day, watched a movie and ran some errands. supported kel and others at the chorus show, which i really enjoyed, then came home to sleep.
today was baccalaureate and senior mass at church. baccalaureate was beautiful...i absolutely loved it. im really glad i decided to go, because it was such an intimate atmosphere. and the performances were amazing. thank you, rachel peacock, for making me cry.
SENIOR WEEK YAAAAAAAAY. and 5 days of school left. what am i going to do with myself?