In which there is much glossing over and skipping of names

May 10, 2010 12:46

The longer you put something like these entries off, the harder it gets to write them. Having missed several sessions in succession (say that three times fast), I found it nearly impossible to sit down and write up a recap for them. Why not just skip ahead? Well, those sessions had a lot of info. Does it ultimately matter, since this isn't Lost? No, probably not.

To sum up in the broadest strokes possible...

The party had a big confrontation with Kedward Bone. In the course of this confrontation, we discovered that he was a diabolist (odd in normally chaotic Scuttlecove) and had created simulacra of Bliz and was performing some sort of experiment regarding her. These copies told us that they were never allowed out of their level of Bone's tower, that they were all trying to reach some state of ascension, and that there had been others who were no longer there (dead, vanished, used in some kind of twisted experiment?) We then had to fight 4 copies of Bliz. Trippy and somehow wrong. Bone walled her off from the party and put Bliz in stasis, but we managed to prevail against the devils he had summoned. After a fire was set, we managed to retrieve only a fragment of Bone's journal.

We discovered that the Jacob guy running around town was, in fact, Urol. He revealed himself before we went off to the showdown with Bone. Then he singlehandedly took out the cannibal monks while we were on the ship recovering from the fight. The chaos created from this disruption of the power structure in Scuttlecove prompted Tyralandi to give us the exact location of the Crimson Fleet's base...and a warning not to come back to the town ever again.

We attacked the Fleet. In an epic battle spanning three sessions and using a killer 3D battlemap constructed by James and Dan, we fought off hordes of bad guys of every type. In the initial phase of the assault, things were starting to look grim. Then Bliz used the Nimbus Bow to summon up a fucking hurricane. When the storm was dispelled some minutes later, very little was left of the ground level base. That left only the tower of ships lodged in a giant tree. We discovered that Cold Captain Wyther was, in fact, Barbarossa. Harliss Jevell fared poorly, bleeding out on a lower deck after taking out many lower level guys. Eventually, we killed Wyther, several demons, and a large number of yuan-ti. We had won the day. We looted the treasure hoard of the Crimson Fleet, making off with a huge amount of awesome stuff and money.

We learned that Lavinia had been taken away from the base by her brother not long before we arrived. We also learned that she is now being held in Demogorgon's prison, Divided's Ire, on his layer of the Abyss. Conveniently, we also recovered an item called the Wakeportal, which allowed us to sail our ship straight to the Abyssal Ocean. We aimed the ship for Farshore then the party teleported there to take care of business. There we resupplied, were the subject of much admiration and gossip, paid to have Harliss raised from the dead and bought her a ship, and Jakara went off with the Church to do Sooper Sekrit stuff. We gave the crew a choice to stay with us and sail into the Abyss or to be dropped off at Farshore. None chose to leave, but some of them might be peeing their pants right about now. Jo allowed her father, Olaf, to join the crew...I can't wait for the fallout from that to hit.

Oh, and only Bliz and Urol know this, but...Bliz is pregnant. I put long odds on Bliz actually telling Jo anytime soon. This poses certain...questions and difficulties in the long term.

Next up: a brief rundown of our most recent session.

tide recaps, jo

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