It does occur to me...

Nov 30, 2009 11:33

That I didn't update after our last game. Thanksgiving week happened and my normal routine was disrupted.

That being's a rather short update, all in all.

After setting sail on their way to meet the convoy from Sasserine along with the Church of the Whirling Fury, a couple weeks passed uneventfully. Bliz laid out her reasoning to Jo about leaving Urol behind. When the Sea Wyvern finally ran into several ships, there were some tense moments involving warning shot fireballs before identities could be established. Seeing a ship of strange design approaching, with human and elven archers on board, the crew waited tensely, still unsure if this would come to violence.

Sure enough, there was the Whirling Fury banner flying openly atop the mast. At that point Adamant, having *recognized* the banner, told Jo that they were going to have a long talk about this later on. The party moved to the other ship and down the ladder, through a door, and into a...forest? Some sort of dimensional woojery was going on. There, they spoke with Lady Silvermane about the recent events, including Catherly's death. Jo was in a state and wasn't entirely sure what all to say. She did ask if they had done something to Bliz (based on Catherly's comments referring to a vague "we"--but the Lady had no idea what she was talking about. Jo wanted to know why her mother had left the Isle and was told that it was because she chose to do so.

The Lady also said that the church had waited too long to act, etc. The Lady had treated Adamant to a death glare when he tried to ask something, and Jo was pissed off about that (but tried to be level headed when asking about it.)

Their intention to find Lavinia was discussed as well. Jo and Co. are intent upon it, even though there are also these pearls to seek out. The Lady says that in such decisions, we find out who we are. Jo said that she didn't think of it as much of a decision, and the Lady replied that those are usually the ones that tell us the most.

The plan now is to remain with the Sasserine ships for 3 days as the funeral rites are prepared for Catherly, and various items are discussed in depth with the Lady, etc. The party laid out a basic plan for approaching Scuttlecove (pose as pirates, natch.) Then Adamant revealed that he knows exactly what/who the Whirling Fury is and told a tale of the Abyss, the eladrin and how the tanar'ri came to be. He chided Jo for not paying enough attention to whatever they taught her at the church. He also pointed out that when a secret organization suddenly comes out into the open, it is often a sign of desperation.

Later that day, the party visited the Blue Nixie to see their old friend, Captain Amelia, and Jo's, not-dad? After hearing of their adventures and their plans to go to Scuttlecove after Vanthus and Lavinia, Amelia declared the occasion worthy of a party, and immediately broke out the rum. With visiting crew from the Wyvern, along with the Nixie's crew, the party lasted well into the night. The Lady and some of her crew stopped by and mingled for a bit. Bliz told many stories of our exploits and spoke with an elf woman who came with the Lady. The woman wanted to know if we had travelled with any elves, so Bliz told her all about Thon and the things we did during our voyage and how he was lost in the shipwreck. It also came out that Urol had been her apprentice back in Sasserine, which means that in the cutscene where Urol was helping at Lavinia's birth, the midwife...was this same elf. It was also implied, though never stated, that this elf might also have been Thon's mother. Lost-style interconnections, FTW! Adamant and Amelia got drunk together and had a bitchfest about all the stupid people in the world. Snark, FTW!

And Jo got to see her "father". She asked him about his first journey to the Isle with Captain Barbarossa and he told her about their meeting with Emraag the dragon turtle. She pointed out that Bliz was wearing Barbarossa's hat and he startled a bit. He also gave off the same feeling of discomfort that Catherly had had around Bliz. When Jo asked him why he was all weirded out, he said that it was just strange to see the hat after he thought it was lost to the Glutton. Jo took him at his word on that matter (though it's highly unlikely that he was entirely forthright there). Throughout the entire conversation, she had been wondering how to approach him regarding the whole father issue. With his comments about her being his daughter (and thus able to hold her liquor), etc...she surmised that he may not know that she was actually Catherly's daughter and not his. And...she couldn't bring herself to ask him if he knew. If he does know, that's one thing. But if he doesn't, her question will reveal it regardless, and she doesn't know if she can do that to him. After all, this is the man she has spent 17 years believing is her father so she still loves him. Obviously, she wants to investigate further to see if anyone else knows the truth. Until then...she has made the decision to keep the truth from him--something she is not comfortable with at all. More complicated motivations and Lost-style deception, FTW! (Think Sun with the bottle from the raft.)

At any rate, next game will be the tear-jerking funeral, finalizing plans, and then sailing to, a wretched hive of scum and...I mean, to Scuttlecove. Wish us some luck, because we are going to need it.

tide recaps, jo

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