Title: Shifting Sands
Characters: Baki, Karura, Sasori, Sunamaru (Yondaime Kazekage), Yashamaru
Pairing: Karura/Sunamaru
Genre: Angst/General
Rating: K+
A/N: The idea of the Yondaime Kazekage's name being Sunamaru belongs to
oreithyiaice and is used with her permission.
Summary: In the end, they were only human after all. The Yondaime Kazekage and Karura, 20 Truths
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Comments 6
If you like them (and Sand shinobi in general), you might want to check out Oreithyia (mentioned in the A/N at the top) who's written a full-length fic featuring them and has a wip that's Gaara-centric set during the timeskip.
Okay, I'll check that out, thanks. Good to see that you're on FF.Net too. :) I have a few GaaMatsu fics there.
For me, his hotness makes up for his huge personality flaws. (He's Kankuro in ten years minus the facepaint.)
I'm more ambivalent to Yashamaru though and I don't know why. He's not worse than the Kazekage certainly so I'm not sure why I don't like him as much.
Edit: Never mind. Found you. I've read your stuff before as well.
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