Latest Doctor Who aka John Simm makes me keyboard mash

Dec 25, 2009 21:31

Doubt anyone on my f-list has watched the Christmas special of Doctor Who yet so I'll spoiler cut it in case anyone plans to.

So this was full of so much win I don't know where to begin. Have random bits and pieces instead.

THEY'RE CACTUSES? Oh Wilfrid, why so awesome? P.S. they look more like achocha.

Random black guy: Parenting - you're doing it WRONG. It's no wonder that your daughter's a brat, honestly.

The MASTER race...? Seriously, how long did you have to practice in order to say that line with a straight face?

Don't get me wrong, this episode makes me want John Simm's babies. He's such an amazing actor.

The Time Lords are returning?

...Why on earth do we have to wait another WEEK?

Now off to get a new layout.

fangirl tendencies, doctor who, personal

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