Title: The Clinical Characteristics of Love
Characters: Isane, Mayuri, Nemu, Unohana
Pairings: Mayuri/Unohana
Genre: Humour/Romance
Rating: T
Summary: Crack. Finding someone who understood them was hard. 20 facts about the scariest couple in Soul Society, Mayuri and Unohana.
a scientific romance )
Comments 9
A personality change is sort of implied in 8 and 9.
But that's why we love him! /shot
Anyway, I found this funny. My favorite is #8.
This makes me wonder if he's going to booby-trap her womb with poisons too...
I read some gen Mayuri/Isane recently and somehow got inspired to write romantic Mayuri/Unohana because of it.
8 was hard. I wanted to show a change in him without having him being completely OOC. It seems to have worked though.
I doubt Unohana would let him and she's not the sort of person who you can do that sort of thing to without her permission.
Edit: I checked out your lj and you're the person who wrote that amazing Byakuya/Yachiru fic! I'm so glad that you like my story.
I found this very amusing and very... cute.
I'm really surprised by how many people actually like it considering how cracky it is.
I think a lot of people tend to make the mistake of trying to have them as a fluffy couple which renders them horrifically OOC. The ship probably requires a certain amount of OOCness to work but most people go way beyond that.
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