Title: Rooted
Characters: Anko, Sai, Yamato, Yuugao
Pairings: past Hayate/Yuugao
Genre: Angst/Sci-Fi
Rating: T
A/N: Some knowledge of Star Wars EU helpful.
Summary: Star Wars AU. Assigned to investigate the death of a fellow knight, Yamato discovers that what he's been told he's doing is as about as far from the truth as possible.
look underneath the underneath )
Comments 2
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Zeltronian!Anko amuses me immensely. She's not a typical member of her race to say the least. Might have something to do with the rumours about her possible involvement with Orochimaru when she was much younger.
Anko makes everything better. /nod
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That's not meant to be dirty btw. Remember that, in this verse, he's an Anzati and it's juice in the Anzati sense.
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