Title: Letting Go Characters: Ichigo, Neliel, Nnoitra, various other Arrancar Pairings: NnoiNel Genre: Angst Rating: T A/N: Very early birthday present for
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:D:D:D Oh, these were LOVELY! I especially love Aizen-soutaichou, he's a big character in super longfic that turns the universe on its head that I'm writing with Fish.
I'm glad you like them. :D Aizen is soutaichou simply because none of the Espada were really interested or suited. It was very difficult finding someone for the Fourth as well so I shoved Cirucci in as fukutaichou and pretended that the previous taichou had retired/died recently. I loved making fun of Ichigo's rescue complex as well.
Comments 2
Your Nnoi and Nel are so loveably IC~ <3
Aizen is soutaichou simply because none of the Espada were really interested or suited. It was very difficult finding someone for the Fourth as well so I shoved Cirucci in as fukutaichou and pretended that the previous taichou had retired/died recently.
I loved making fun of Ichigo's rescue complex as well.
IC is good.
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