a memorable occasion

Oct 20, 2006 13:50

alright children. i'm in the library right now and all the smart kids are probably judging me since i'm updating an lj instead of arguing the implications that fatalism has on quantum mechanics versus theory of general relativity. fuck, i need to write my goddamn paper.

i just wanted to make a point of recording the first time in history that i CHOSE STUDYING over going out. truly, never in my LIFE have i seen the need to stay in and study. and really, it wasn't 100% necessary. but last night, after i was ALREADY all ready to go, i looked over at my day planner and said to myself "laurel, you're being a fucking retard." i really do have to much to prepare for next week to go out the night before i need to get all of it done. so instead of being amazing and reckless...i just like, chose to NOT come back to my dorm at 4am and be hungover today until 4pm. i made a very rational decision to sleep well and be heallllthy today so that i could study for my midterms and write the most fucking ridiculous paper of my life.

"but why does she have to get everything done on a friday afternoon?" you might ask. well my little duck, tonight we're helping a frat kidnap their pledges for induction night and, by default, i'm going to have to get fucked up. then saturday i leave slo for palm springs, to see tom petty from the 4th row. (and by default...fucked up) so the whole weekend is going to consist of me getting fucked up. and when i make the 5 hour drive back to slo from palm springs on sunday night, i'm going to need to have this paper and midterm info already taken care of.

so really, today i need to fucking concentrate. i set my alarm clock for 11am today (haha, but really) and i'm actually in the library on a friday afternoon. like a responsible adult. awwwwwwwwwwww

k i'm delirious and this entry makes me sound like a schitzo. bye
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