spring break 2006

Apr 11, 2006 18:39


"You have four years to be irresponsible here. Relax. Work is for people with jobs. You'll never remember class time, but you'll remember time you wasted hanging out with your friends. So, stay out late. Go out on a Tuesday with your friends when you have a paper due Wednesday. Spend money you don't have. Drink 'til sunrise. The work never ends, but college does..."
-Tom Petty

(...and when he says college, i think he means high school too.)


so, just so the following lj cut makes more sense, my mom was gone thursday night, friday night, and saturday night. and monday night and tuesday night. that is why it's worth my time to do this. i didn't use all the pictures- only the important ones. please enjoy.

-dinner with ben, h, and tina.
-watched the oc like one big, multi-racial family. <3


we do girls night RIGHT.

we befriend the nerd who run laser tag

and make them take 69834762 pictures of us

like so

they also promised us free laser tag for life.

-broke my camera while being crazy on friday :(
-out to lunch and baseball game with jenny
-david's with ben and pho
-huntington party with brit and pho
-had a ridiculous amount of fun
-all 3 of us spent the night there

-slept all day. mom came home at some point, but after a 5 minute HELLO i slept more.
-romantic evening stroll to the movies and special "classy" icees and ICE AGE with the girls
-paul gave us free popcorn <33333
-pho runs a red light and screams FUCK THE PO-LICE to the police station within shouting distance of the intersection she violated.
-late night dinner with jess

-had people over.
-don't remember howo i got as drunk as i did
-blacked out after 11 (??)
-injured myself in the following ways:
1. 2 chipped front teeth
2. cut on upper lip
3. sprained wrist
4. skinned/bruised knee (and torn jeans)
5. huge bump on back of head
6. gash on small of back
7. weird cut/tiny piece missing from pinky finger (i think i slammed my finger in a door...hard.)
8. a dozen various other cuts and cruises that remain unexplained.
-what i was later told is that jess and i, at one point, were prancing down my street. my street is on a fuckin hill. needless to say, we fell hard, on our faces. because we're fucking stupid.
-i seriously dont remember anything at all, and that's never happened to me before. and it will never happen again! (all these pictures happened before i blacked out, of course.)

-woke up not knowing why i had all those injuries i told you about
-was especially terrified at my BROKEN FRONT TEETH
-had britt explain what happened
-called my mom and told her i fell laser tagging
-spent an hour or so at the dentist. now my teeth are fixed.
-that night a dozen girls all went to starbucks. it was quaint and relaxed-- which was what i needed to recover.
-took amanda with me to george's studio

-saw ice age with the girls AGAIN.
-dani told me all the stuff i dont remember. no one else knew the details since too many people were trashed. she was like, 1 of 2 sober people at all.
-went to starbucks again. still in recovery.

-worked 5 hours with jess, kendall, and michael at a millionare's company reception at his 24 acre estate
-got hit on by sleazeballs all night because rich men think they can do whatever the fuck they want (which isn't that untrue)
-got lost for an hour on the way home in the random hills of scary-ass, middle of nowhere temecula
-got a flat tire
-still had a strangely large amount of fun with everyone i was with.
-met pho at a party in an apartment i had been to before. it was trippy
-took pho and matt to george's studio

-spent the day with pho at the beach!
-we had lunch at duke's
-went crazy at the farmer's market that happened to be right there

she bought a bundle of sunflowers

i bought a basket of strawberries

i bought her the "cells under a microscope" ring, and bought myself the bizarre coral ring

got a $42 parking ticket.

-then that night we went to roly's. it was chill.

before they snapped this picture we were flailing around like animals. it's a mystery to me how we look so classy...

i'm in this!!!

-slept a lot.
-slept some more
-kind of tired of spring break
-went to a bonfire

-dressed up and went to BJs with amanduh and jenny. it was seriosly perfection. i dont have a picture though. damn.

i hope everyone else's spring break was as good as mine!
i love all my friends so much. what an annoying sentence. everyone says that. oh well.


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