Oct 11, 2006 19:18
Life has been out of control...so busy with working, school and trying to get the house together. I am so glad that my girls Alison and Heather are 21 now I can go out with them to the bar....Had a blast at heathers family party, Joe and Charlie were Slammin Ouzo not me, Me and Heather just stuck to Cherry bombs and a week b4 that went out for alisons bday....ohhhh just thinking of it makes me want a Margarita yum...This past weekend Went out for Heathers bday again but ended up predrinking too much and getting sick on the way to the bar...that'll teach me to drink a whole fifth of Malibu...love it...
But I have been babysitting like all the time and just recently finding out that the lady Katina that I was babysitting for was a coke, heroin, and opium addict and just got out of Jail....I wish someone would have told me about that b4...her mom was telling me that she was at school when in fact she was in Jail....and to top it off her car broke down and she has been using me drive her everywhere to do things. today I had to take her to Secretary of state and she was like do you want tog o to coney thinking that we would get it for free cuz Charlie and her sister work there (thats how I got the job)...and I didnt bring any money with me cuz I thought I wasnt going to be going out to eat and she didnt either so I had to ask Charlie to take it up and his dad got mad...not at me but her becuz I guess she asked Charlies dad for money one time...which is not cool cuz she doesnt even work there....but its crazy now I am just at my parents and not going to babysit cuz Im being used Fuck why do I have to be so nice so that people can take advantage of me....