Apr 24, 2008 12:09
Yesterday, every possible thing in the universe conspired to keep me from going to see Wicked. First I slept terribly the night before. Then, after class, when I wanted to take a nap to perk myself up to be able to stay awake throughout Wicked, I tossed and turned for an hour and a half and didn't fall asleep once. I got up and watched a few episodes of 30 Rock, hoping to get rid of the headache that had suddenly arrived upon getting up. That didn't go away, so after eating a bowl of Roasted Tomato Triscuits, I took two Ultrams and went back to bed. I got up to eat dinner at 5:30, and then got dressed and got in the car.
About two miles south of the 520 exit on 95, I was reclining in the passenger seat, willing my headache to go away, when suddenly I thought to myself, "I feel weird. I wonder if I need to throw up." The instant the words "throw up" entered my brain, the rest of my body chimed in to say "YES, YOU DO. RIGHT NOW." Thank God we had a Target bag in the backseat, that's all I'm saying. We made one stop to get a bottle of water and a pack of gum and then we were off to Wicked with not another hitch. My headache had also disappeared.
Wicked was incredible. So much so that I'm considering dropping a hundred bucks or so to see it again in NYC in August. I was worried at first that the Glinda would be just Cheno-lite, but she was completely inspired by Kristin Chenoweth, but seriously, I wanted to see the Cheno, so this was just fine by me. Her voice sounded almost exactly like the OBC recording. I approve. Elphaba took me half a song to get warmed up to, but she was wonderful as well.
Last night I slept wonderfully, and had a bizarre yet awesome dream. We still had Gwen and Nosy, our two late ferrets, and they were in my parents' laundry basket. And I picked them up to take them out, and there were more ferrets. And even more under the next layer of clothes. And more. And more. And I kept trying to put them in one spot so I could figure out where they came from and since they were ferrets, they just slithered all over the place and I had to run around closing doors. Then through the rest of the entirely unrelated dream I would occasionally see a ferret and have to stop it from going outside. It must be derived from my need control all small, furry animals. The rest of the dream was pretty nice, too. I was going on vacation with a bunch of friends (again) and my boyfriend was Will Tippin. God, that was nice. He was snuggly.