(no subject)

Jan 24, 2006 13:42

Dear LiveJournal: Fuck you, stop logging me out. No love, Me.

UPN and WB are merging. I can only express puzzlement bordering on alarm. Please, networks, do not touch Veronica Mars. Also, thank you for not doing that WB Star Wars series people were worried about you doing last year.

In case you were wondering if I could really do it:

In Plato's dialogue "Crito," an incarcerated Socrates convinces his friend Crito it is better to live well than live. Crito tells Socrates he should escape because his death will endanger the reputation of his friends because they did not save him. Crito believes Socrates abandoned his responsibility to his family and is choosing the easiest path.

Socrates argues only wise opinions matter and popular opinion isn't wise. Following foolish advice is damaging, so his only concern is whether escaping is just. If Socrates escapes it goes against his belief that it is better to live honorably than live. He agreed to obey the laws of Athens by living there and disobeying them now is unjust. He cannot disobey them now merely because their laws wronged him. Choosing whether or not to obey the law diminishes its power. Escaping would also confirm the opinion that he is a bad influence.

Anyway, back to what I mentioned in my earlier entry: I'm writing a response on teenage suicide. Not the real-problems kind, but the idiot kind. It's mainly because we already did extra credit responses on teen suicide, which I did not do because I was uninterested, but now I kinda am. See, Professor Vedder passes out some examples of the things people write, and someone blamed teenage suicide on video games and violent TV and that really, really pisses me off. Seriously, if you can't distinguish between your ability to "reset" life versus resetting a game, here's the pills, buddy. (No, I'm not kidding. He said exactly that. Resetting life in video games is demeaning real life. What, is the video game supposed to jump out and electrocute you and resuscitate you after a few seconds so you can understand the difference?) I'm not saying that it isn't an issue, but this kid worded it exactly like that, completely idiotically and he left me a great opening to rip him a new one, and I did try. And then he went off on "Cartoons are violent and wrong and full of sex nowadays!" which begs the question: are you watching the cartoons at midnight on Cartoon Networks? Because those aren't for kids, moron. Believe me, his argument was very stupidly written. Does anyone have the links to the MySpace suicide and the accompanying news story? That would be a great piece to present in class, too. ("you BROKE my LIFE," that kid.)

I'm back on a Jonathan Coulton kick. I hope, since my window is always open, no one opposes me singing about mad overlords.

And now to work on a five-page essay due Friday and study for a Biblical Lit quiz tomorrow!

vmars, music, college

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