(no subject)

Jan 17, 2006 13:44

This past three-day weekend I stayed at Grant's apartment, shot people with Nerf guns and thoroughly enjoyed myself. It was wonderful. Grant drank 12 beers and 3 shots of vodka Saturday night and did not puke or have a hangover the next day. Most impressive. I got to see most of the guild/forum and that was good. I'm glad that I'm in college now because it means I can pick and choose when I stay down there or not and I no longer have to worry about clearing it with the parents and appeasing their worries.

We discussed Plato's Crito in Research and Argumentation today, and I talked to Brad, a classmate of mine, beforehand. Brad seems opposed to both taking off his sunglasses and attending to his hair in any way. It was unwashed and messy. And he doesn't know how to use apostrophes.

I ate lunch with Raquel, Chika and two new girls, Paree and Paula, the latter being from Argentina. Paula is 31, although she looks about twenty. For some reason I seem to be picking up multilingual friends like crazy here.

Last night I had a dream involving some bizarre slave camp thing where I had to pick clothes to take with me, blah blah, but the really important part was that I got into a verbal showdown with some woman trying to intimidate me. She was saying things like I'm not good enough for something and etc. etc. and for once in my dream life, I actually just went 'Bitch, please,' and went off on her and won. That was a very good feeling. I don't usually kick ass in my dreams. And I actually said 'Bitch, please,' in the dream!

Ethan, in his infinite kindness, scanned in a few drawings I did recently so I can color them and edit them and post them - oh joy! It would figure that once I don't have a scanner or my tablet, I'd want to make with the art.

The 'Draw Batgirl' meme started here, I believe.

And now I must read Exemplary Stories, so I can write a five page essay on it, I hate you, Professor Morris

grant, dreams, drawing, college, memes

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