Good morning. I just finished Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. No, I haven't slept since I got back from the bookstore. Yes, the sun is rising.
Fuck you, Snape. Yes, I know. You were bound by the vow. Fuck you. I seriously hate you right now. HAAAAAAAAATE. I never did understand the love for you.
Oh, I knew it was Draco that was whining to Myrtle. How many redeemed!Draco fics can I find NOW? They're going to increase exponentially.
I knew the death was coming, but somehow I didn't really expect it to be at this point, even though I figured it might. You know? Didn't cry. I mainly wanted to punch Snape. I cried when Remus lost it, though.
Well. Um. DAMN. That was a hell of a book.
Now I can't wait for the theory discussions!
(Haha to everyone who went "I KNEW her nickname was 'Ciss'-something!")