Finished another book...

Aug 02, 2004 11:02

Finished Girl in Hyacinth Blue by Susan Vreeland. I didn't really like it much. It seemed to copy Girl with a Pearl Earring a lot, but couldnt come nearly as good as Chevalier. It traced a painting back from present to when it first was painted, each time it reached new hands, a new story - but backwards. It was confusing and hard to follow, and Vreeland like, named a city Vreeland in it - it was weird. I only really liked the last story, where Vermeer was painting it, but thats pretty much it. I don't reccomend it :/

Nina and I are seeing Fairenheit 9/11 today. Haven't seen her since the last day of school, and we were on bad terms. I was really mean to everyone the last few weeks of school. I hate the ending of school, because I don't like summer, and I love school :/ But yah I apologized and were going to go out for lunch and hang around downtown before the movie at 1.

I'm wearing my golden/camel corderoy knee length skirt w/ the buttons and a light/dark blue striped shirt w/ my super cute jean heals, and a jean bag.

I hope Nina and I arent like awkward and stuff, it should be fun though :)
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