I know I'm not an internet superstar and I don't intend to be... the truth is, I still don't quite understand why anyone would be interested in reading what I have to say. But over the last year or so I've gotten the distinct impression that my non-LJ audience is a bit larger than I realize.
Being at the conference made me realize that I'm getting old. Not just old in the "look at my age and wonder" kind of way, but in the sense that I'll be looking for a big-girl job soon where anyone could type in "laurelamanda" (should they be able to deduce the username I've used since I was 16/born) and find a whole pile of words I've written since 2001 until, well, now. And it hasn't all been good, but it has been written in extreme detail with particular references to persons, places, and things. No names were changed to protect the innocent/guilty, not even my own.
If for some reason we're not friends and you'd like to continue being inundated with the over-dramatics of my relatively normal life, let me know.
Maybe I'll change my mind, but for now it's time for that statement we're all so fond of seeing.
Friends only.