Aug 29, 2010 22:54
The house is quiet. Adam was stir-crazy, so he made a trip to Wal-mart. I have a bazillion things I could be doing, like cleaning the house, doing laundry, and doing massive amounts of reading for my classes, but instead, here I sit--updating the online realm of live-journal. I just got off of work, so I feel a need for some "down-time" to reflect before I get down to business.
School has started. This is my third semester at Gardner-Webb, only 3 more to go! =] This semester isn't going to be a breeze like my prior semesters. I'm going to have to put forth a lot of effort and time towards my studies. The upside to this semester is that I have a lot of interesting classes and courses that apply to the Human Services field, such as ethical issues in the helping profession and treatment modalities.
Financially, things are getting better: Adam is back in school, so that means he has an income coming in. I've devoted the rest of this year to getting out of debt. I have around $4,200 dollars worth of credit card debt. Wow, I don't think I've ever said or wrote that down. When I moved to NC, I didn't have a "pot to piss in," so to speak, so I racked up a lot of purchases on my credit cards for things I needed, some things I didn't, and some of the purchases were reckless "retail therapy." I have a plan, though. I'm going to use my left-over student loan money from each semester to pay off my car and down my credit card debts. Paying off my car is key, because that will free up a lot of my finances. Once the car is paid off in full, I can use what I was paying on my car each month to pay off my credit cards. I'm committed to getting out of debt. I don't want to graduate college with student loan debt and credit card debt.
Things with Adam are great as usual. We are approaching almost 3 years together. Crazy. My best and longest relationship. Sure, sometimes I get confused and get the: "grass is greener on the other side" syndrome, but when I look to my future, I see him. He is my future. Five years from now, I see us married, in our careers, buying a house somewhere further south, and starting a family.
It's crazy how much life changes. I can't believe how old I sound.