boston: sleeping pea pods in twin bed

Nov 13, 2005 19:35

As far as Boston goes, there is so much to tell that I don't really feel like telling any of it, except...

Pride and Prejudice

Last night Christa and I went to go see P&P and it was divine. It totally transcended so many of the period chick flick films (not that I consider this a "chick flick"). By the end I was definitely in tears and then something very strange happened...the sweet, soft, warm tears became heaving sobs and I had to remove myself to the wings of the theater w/ Christa flanking me, as literally not a soul was responding as mine was. The movie broke through some wall I had built up the past few years and I felt very raw and disturbed. The only explanation I could come up with upon reflection was that several years ago I oozed romance (like how a slug oozes whatever it is it oozes). Then a disgusting and horrid relationship transpired that left me broken, bitter, and slightly hardened (more like crispy). I think P&P rammed itself through the crispy barriors and awakened the snoozing romantic.

But then, I'm not really sure what happened. All I know is there were tears, many, and not tears of happiness at a sweet movie, though, I must say, it was
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