Title: Of Swaggers, Saloons, And Star Badges - Chapter 18
Character/Pairing: Jae/Min/Chun and variations of, minor one-sided YunChun, YooSu bffery
Genre: drama/angst, romance, and a bit of comedy and action, Korean Wild West AU!
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3,282
Disclaimer: I have a what?
Previous parts:
Prologue ,
Chapter 1 ,
Chapter 2 ,
Chapter 3 ,
Chapter 4 ,
Chapter 5 ,
Chapter 6 ,
Chapter 7 ,
Chapter 8 ,
Chapter 9 ,
Chapter 10 ,
Chapter 11 ,
Chapter 12 ,
Chapter 13 ,
Chapter 14 ,
Chapter 15 ,
Chapter 16 ,
Chapter 17 A/N: This update is way overdue. I apologize for being away for so long but school and work has been kicking my ass. I have a less stressful schedule, so I will be able to update more often now. And to make up for the long wait, here is an extra long, smutty update ^^
“Someone care to tell me why the hell Siwon, the Kim twins and that no good Young Bang Cheol are piling up dead bodies outside?” Asked the town doctor’s apprentice with a slightly alarmed, yet amused, tone.
“There was an attempted siege, but we handled it.” Youngwoon said puffing out his chest. The doctor quirked an eyebrow at the injured deputy.
“Well, hero, since you seem perfectly fine, I’ll tend to the prisoner first.” Jungsu said as he stepped into the cell to examine Jung Ji Hoon
“Ah, Jungsu-hyung, give the guy a break.” Changmin smirked. Youngwoon and Dr. Park Jungsu had been playing this game since they were kids.
“Changmin, you’ve got a prisoner with multiple gunshot wounds - a Jung no less. I suggest we have him taken care of first.” Changmin threw his hands up in surrender at Jungsu’s words and surveyed the man at work.
Jaejoong smiled amusedly as he sidled up next to Changmin. “I suppose they have a romantic connection?” He asked in a whisper. The sheriff could not hold back his laughter.
“Youngwoon wishes. Since we were kids he has been following after Jungsu-hyung like a puppy, but the good doctor has never taken Youngwoon’s antics seriously. The poor guy is pathetic in front of hyung.”
“I’ll just be heading home now.” Yoochun said softly. He had entered quietly behind the young doctor whom he had gone to fetch in place of Siwon.
Changmin eyed him curiously and the youth fidgeted under the intense gaze. It was clear that he was about to jump out of his skin and needed some time alone. Changmin decided to lecture him about the recklessness of his actions once things had been settled at the station. The sheriff gave the teen a curt nod to dismiss him.
Jaejoong frowned. He could see the conflict of emotions flickering across Yoochun’s face and was worried that Yoochun may breakdown if left on his own but the youth was already out the door before he could protest.
“If he goes off and messes up the cabin or does something equally as stupid, you can be the one to clean up after the mess, Sheriff.” Jaejoong scolded before going to assist Jungsu.
“It’s always the ones with the pretty faces, eh Sheriff?” Youngwoon sighed before yelping in pain when Changmin kicked his wounded shin.
“That was some amazing shooting you guys did tonight.” Siwon huffed as he dragged another body to the growing line-up of corpses. “I don’t know which one of you it was, but thank you for saving my life; it truly was an incredible shot!”
“Well, next time don’t let the bad guy get close enough to pull a knife on you Deputy and I won’t need to show off.” Junho winked at Siwon, causing the young officer to blush.
“Oh knock it off!” Bang Cheol teased as Junsu made a gagging face. Grinning, the pickpocket opened his mouth in another jeer when Yoochun came running out of the station. “My love!” he turned to run after the beautiful man but Junsu held him back.
“Oh no you don’t! You are not skipping out on us too. You helped us shoot them, you help us carry them!” Junsu growled, in full umma mode. Bang Cheol pouted in defeat and went back to work.
When Jungsu was able to survey the damage done to Ji Hoon, he knew he would be digging out bullets for the rest of the night. “Changmin-ah, I think you will have to tend to Youngwoon’s leg while Jaejoong helps me with Ji Hoon.” The older man said as he rifled through his bags for a pair of extra forceps and some bandage to hand over to the Sheriff.
“You don’t need to worry about me hyung, you can take your time and I’ll just wait for you here.” Youngwoon grinned.
“I’d rather not be scolded by Han-shii when he returns for letting a deputy bleed to death while I tended to a convict.” Jungsu bit out, trying to keep himself from giving Youngwoon a good smack to the back of his head.
Changmin agreed, having patched up himself once or twice in the past, but he knew Youngwoon wouldn’t be so happy about missing out on the young doctor’s attention.
“Where is Doctor Han anyways?” Changmin asked as he took the bandages.
“At his daughter’s wedding two towns over. I should have known something would happen the first time I’m left alone.” He sighed, taking the chance to glance over at Changmin at work on Youngwoon’s leg. He scrunched up his face and then returned to his work.
Ji Hoon had lost consciousness soon after Jungsu’s arrival so there was no need to hold him down, but Younghwa was having a hard watching a doctor yank bullet after bullet from his hyung’s limp body. It had been enough of a shock to see Yunho die; now his eldest brother was barely alive. Younghwa’s cowardice guilt was eating him up. He needed to make it right; he wouldn’t stop until everyone paid - he’d burn this stinking town down to the ground if he had to.
Yoochun ran. He ran until he couldn’t breathe and his legs ached. He ran to the one place he felt safe - his home with Jaejoong and Changmin, but he didn’t want to go back to an empty home; his thoughts were too dangerous. He went around the cabin and stood 50 feet from the fence that marked the border of the property. Along the wooden fence were lined seven cans, covered in holes. He took out his guns and took a shot. The can furthest on the left flew off its resting place and landed somewhere in the neighboring field. He shot his right gun and the can furthest to the right tumbled over the fence. He continued like this until he came to the center can. With both pistols aimed, he squeezed the triggers perfectly in sync and the can soared far into the next field that Yoochun couldn’t even tell where it landed.
His arms shook, guns still held in the air, aimed at a now empty spot. He gasped, suddenly trying to catch his breath. When he continued to struggle to breathe, it was then that he noticed he was crying. It was an ugly fit; full of sobs, streams of tears and a horribly contorted face. But why? Why was he shaking and crying? Yunho was dead; he had gotten the easy way out and avoided any real punishment. Yoochun had killed Yunho along with a handful of nameless men tonight, and had killed Seung-Heon days ago. His torturers were dead and his nightmare should be over - but what if they weren’t? What if someone else from the Jung family came after him? Would he have to kill them too? Would he start to like it? Had he gone from being a whore to a murderer - was he any better than Yunho?
No. No he was nothing like Yunho - but when he had squeezed the trigger and watched the most evil man he had ever known die, he had felt joy. He was happy he had taken Yunho’s life - but what if it cost him whatever last bit of his soul he had been holding on to after leaving the brothel?
How many lives had been lost just so that Yunho could play out his sick game? And how many put at risk just so that Yoochun could get his revenge? He bet Changmin and Jaejoong were just itching to lecture him about how dangerous his stunt tonight had been. He wiped at his face with his sleeves and heaved himself off of the ground, and re-holstered his guns; never realizing that he had collapsed.
Changmin wanted to talk to Jaejoong, in private. Away from Youngwoon’s eavesdropping habits and Jungsu’s keen sense of hearing, but his deputy was so wrapped up in assisting the doctor that he hadn’t spared the Sheriff one glance. He wanted to discuss what happened tonight; specifically what Yoochun did tonight. He thought it would be best to approach Yoochun with a strategy, depending on how upset or volatile the man was.
Jaejoong was distracted by the task at hand. Jungsu was tirelessly working on patching up Ji Hoon, but the deputy could tell that it was hopeless. The eldest Jung Brother would die and, along with Yunho’s death, it would be just one more reason to finally bring Appa Jung down here to end this once and for all. Jaejoong admired Jungsu for trying his best to save Ji Hoon and suspected that it had to do with wanting to keep a certain injured deputy out of harm’s way. This made him think of Yoochun; Appa Jung would want revenge and Yoochun would most likely be his number one target. He hoped Yoochun was feeling better about what had happened tonight. He could tell that his young lover was in shock and not coping well. Jaejoong was also rather vexed that Changmin had let the youth go off on his own.
“Well, that is that best that I can do. Now we will just have to wait and see if he can make it through the rest of the night.” Jungsu sighed, breaking the ice after several tense hours. The doctor slid his glance to the young Jung brother. “If he lasts until morning, then he just might live.”
Younghwa scoffed. “And what kind of life can he live, riddled with bullet wounds? Will all his limbs still work? What about his mind? Surely he has a high fever by now.”
“So much talk for a coward.” Jaejoong said under his breath, just loud enough for Younghwa to hear from the next cell. Younghwa stayed quiet at the comment, but the deputy’s words just helped to fuel his rage and craving for revenge.
Changmin thanked Jungsu for all of his help and the doctor agreed to help Youngwoon home after the man practically begged him. Siwon, the Kim brothers and Bang Cheol had been sent home long ago, after they had help the town under taker load the corpses onto his cart so that he could store the bodies.
Yoochun had finally been able to force himself to step into his empty home. The word ‘home’ was still new to him. He paced around the entire cabin once, twice, three times. He finally settled down by the fireplace, comforted by the memories of loving making and sweet caresses as he tended the fire and waited for his Jaejoong and Changmin to return.
CONTINUE ON TO THE SECOND PART OF CHAPTER 18(comments disabled for this part, comment on the next part please ^^)