Title: Of Swaggers, Saloons, And Star Badges - Chapter 16
Character/Pairing: Jae/Min/Chun and variations of, minor one-sided YunChun, YooSu bffery
Genre: drama/angst, romance, and a bit of comedy and action, Korean Wild West AU!
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2,116
Disclaimer: I have a what?
Previous parts:
Prologue ,
Chapter 1 ,
Chapter 2 ,
Chapter 3 ,
Chapter 4 ,
Chapter 5 ,
Chapter 6 ,
Chapter 7 ,
Chapter 8 ,
Chapter 9 ,
Chapter 10 ,
Chapter 11 ,
Chapter 12 ,
Chapter 13 ,
Chapter 14 ,
Chapter 15 A/N: So people wanted more drama and others wanted more smut so I have decided to give you all more drama, more action, more smut and more chapters - this things has officially become a monster >:D
“Jung JiHoon, Jung Yunho and Jung Younghwa, you three are charged with assault, drawing your weapon on an officer of the law, suspicious to kidnap and are also suspected of rustling the cattle off of several ranches around this and other neighboring counties.” The judge began his lengthy speech. “I am aware of your father’s standing and influence, however, the lack of his presence here today speaks volumes.” The judge shifted uncomfortably in his seat in the small courtroom. The Jung Brothers were all directing an unwavering stare at him.
“That being said, I cannot charge you for crimes without concrete proof and witnesses willing to testify against you. Therefore, I can only charge you with assault and drawing your weapon on an officer. I find you guilty of these crimes and will sentence the three of you to five years in the capital prison.”
The court burst into an uproar. Men had been hung in the past for pulling a gun on a deputy or sheriff. And everyone knew the Brothers were guilty of rustling but they were still so feared that none of their victims were willing to come forward and testify against them. Changmin was not pleased and his three Deputies were just as angry - especially Jaejoong. The law was getting too relaxed - and even if they weren’t going to be hung, those men deserved a much longer sentence - the Jung patriarch may not be here, but it seems that regardless of what the judge said, his money was very present.
Yoochun sat in the back of the court room with Junsu, Junho and Mr. and Mrs. Kim. Changmin and Jaejoong had to be up front by Yunho and his brothers in case they caused any trouble. Yoochun was grateful for the support but he still wished his lovers were at his side as well. This trial was a mockery and Yoochun was glad that he had already gotten his closure or this farce would have sent him over the edge. He was happy to hear that at least Yunho would be far away and locked up for several years. He felt a hand on his knee and looked over at Junsu who did his best to smile reassuringly at him. He took his friend’s hand in his and gave it a big squeeze to let him know he was just fine. When he noticed the scowl on Junho’s face he realized that he had just as good of a friend in the other Kim twin.
“That scoundrel - why after everything he did to our Yoochun and he gets off practically scot-free! That boy must have a horseshoe hidden up his arse to have such fortunate luck!” Mr. Kim grumbled loud enough for Yoochun to hear. Mrs. Kim gave him a light smack.
“It’s alright Kim-shii. Jung Yunho has angered a lot of people in his lifetime, I’m sure he is bound to run into some of them in prison.” He told Junsu’s father with a cheeky smile and a wink. Mrs. Kim smiled at him sweetly and she reminded him of Junsu.
“Well that would be karma doing its job proper like.” Sighed Mr. Kim and he crossed his arm across his chest - just like Junho was doing. Yoochun couldn’t hide his smile. He had friends, and a pair of caring boyfriends - his own little makeshift family. He had everything he ever wanted; he was loved and had people to love. It really didn't matter to him how the trial ended because Yoochun had found his place in life and nothing could ruin that for him now.
As the Jung Brothers were escorted out of the court room Yunho took a look around the found Yoochun by the back of the crowd - he made sure to pucker his lips at the beautiful man. Had the Sheriff not been so eager to move him and his brothers back to their jail cells; he would have made sure to let Yoochun know that he’d be coming for him very soon and for the final time.
Yoochun shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He may be over his fear of Yunho but the man was still a creep.
“Yoochun-ah, why don’t you come back with us to the Saloon? I’m sure most of this crowd will be heading there as well and I reckon they’ll be wanting something to drink to even out their tempers; we’ll be needing all the help we can get.” Mrs. Kim asked the youth, hooking arms with him as he escorted her out from court.
“I’d be happy to help you Kim-shii.” Yoochun said with a soft smile; he suspected the Kim family had planned this ahead of time to give him a very welcomed distraction from the trial. He actually likes working at the Saloon with Junsu and Junho.
“Oh good, you can help me keep Su out of trouble hyung.” Junho said, giving him a friendly wink and pat on the shoulder.
Yoochun smiled up at Junho and the two shared a laugh at the protesting Junsu. The family made their way to the Saloon and they weren’t so surprised to see that Mrs. Kim was right; half the town was waiting to drown their disappointment in liquor. Yoochun was quickly put to work at the piano to entertain the patrons while Junho and Mr. Kim set up the bar and served out drinks. Junsu had been hauled to the kitchen by his mother to help her with some light cooking. Once things settled down, Junsu relieved Yoochun at the piano.
“Umma wants to see you in the kitchen; I think she has an errand she wants you to run.” Junsu said while trying to hide a smile. Yoochun played along, knowing Junsu was terrible at lying. When he entered the kitchen, Yoochun nearly drooled at the sumptuous aroma of Mrs. Kim’s cooking.
“Oh Yoochun-ah, I am so thankful for your help.” Mrs. Kim began, trying to hide a similar smile that Junsu had been sporting. “I need you to take this food over to the Sheriff’s station. Those men are stuck up there until tomorrow when they’ll be escorting the Jung Brother to the capital - and I wouldn’t want our brave law men to go hungry.” Her voice trailed off and she gave Yoochun a little eyebrow wiggle.
“Oh Mama Kim,” Yoochun said, giving the woman a tight hug. “Thank you.” Yoochun had been itching to speak to Jaejoong and Changmin all evening and now Kim-shii had given him the perfect excuse to go down and visit his boyfriends. As he pulled away from the hug, Mrs. Kim cupped his face.
“I take care of my boys Yoochun-ah, that’s what a mother does.” Her misty eyes mirrored Yoochun’s. She gave him a motherly kiss on the cheek and sent him on his way with a tray piled high with food.
Yoochun’s heart was soaring high with overwhelming emotions as he walked through the quiet evening streets on his way to see Jaejoong and Changmin - until he noticed that none of the oil lamps had been lit in the station and it was too quiet within. Then Yoochun saw the shadow against the walls of the station; circling the building. Most of the town was over at the Saloon or tucked away in their homes; and with the cover of night it would be a golden opportunity to lay siege on the station and free the Jung Brothers.
Yunho had been uncharacteristically silent since his sentencing and it put Jaejoong on edge. He had a long history with the deviant and he had a bad feeling that Yunho had something up his sleeve. As the sun set, his feelings of uneasiness only worsened.
“Changmin-ah, something feels wrong.” Jaejoong said in a hushed voice as he pulled the Sheriff aside.
Changmin nodded in agreement. “My instincts have been yelling at me for awhile now.”
“I think the Jungs took the sentencing a little too well.” Jaejoong said, eyeing a calm Yunho.
“Almost, like it wouldn't have any effect on them.” Changmin added to Jaejoong’s thought. “Like they wouldn’t have to serve it.” Jaejoong and Changmin shared a hard look. The Jung Brother’s most certainly had an escape planned. Calmly, they rejoined Deputies Choi and Kim and relayed their suspicions. As the skies darkened and it came time to light the oil lamps Siwon heard footsteps outside the east window. He hurried over to Youngwoon and stopped him from lighting a similar lamp. When his fellow Deputy was about to protest, Siwon hushed him and pointed to the window. Youngwoon nodded and took up by the window, listening for any other signs of a person while Siwon went to go warn the Sheriff.
“Sheriff!” Siwon said in a harsh whisper, “I think you were right. I heard someone out there on our east side.”
“Only one person?” Jaejoong asked.
“I’m not sure. Youngwoon is keeping an ear out, but I think there are more, it didn’t sound like a drunk - those steps were deliberate.”
“Go by the west window, keep low and listen for any sound. Jaejoong, go check the back door and barricade it; make sure we’re locked up good.” The Deputies nodded and followed orders silently. Changmin made his way to Youngwoon, staying low. It was getting harder to make everything out in the dim light but he couldn’t risk making them all easy targets if there were a band of hired guns outside here to break out the Jungs.
“How many have you heard?” he whispered as quietly as possible. Youngwoon held up a hand, thumb and pinky bent - three men. When he squinted over to Siwon, he thought the man looked panicked. He crawled over to the youngest Deputy. Before he could ask what was wrong Siwon told him.
“Four on this side Sheriff.” Siwon whispered shakily.
“That’s seven with Youngwoon’s three.” Changmin said and frowned as Siwon lost all color in his face.
When Jaejoong returned from blocking the back entrance he wore a similar frown to Changmin’s. He held up a hand; three more men. Changmin eyes widened. Ten men. The Jung Patriarch must have planned this.
“Jung-shii purposely didn’t show up at the trial so no one would think he wanted to help out his sons anymore and as soon as the Judge is on his way out of town after the trial, he sets his elaborate escape plan into motion.” Changmin pieced together out loud.
“They are probably hired guns, cleaner this way.” Youngwoon said as he joined the group of men.
Jaejoong went up to Yunho’s cell, a growl threatening to rip from his throat as he stared at the smug man.
“Something wrong, Deputy-hyung?”
“You little shit.” Jaejoong no longer cared about keeping his voice down.
“Careful now hyung, you might want to treat me a little better; seeing as the tables are turning.” Yunho sneered.
“You knew your father would pull something like this; I’m surprised you were able to act so well in front of Yoochun the other day. Oh poor Yunho, his daddy doesn’t love him anymore, and the whole time Appa Jung was conspiring to free you.” Jaejoong was ready to go into the cell and settle things; just the two of them.
Yunho laughed heartily. “Did you really think my father wouldn’t be coming for me? I’m surprised at you hyung, you’re getting rusty - or is it distracted” Yunho’s eyes shrunk to slits as he eyed Changmin. “I still can’t believe my Yoochun could be interested in either of you.” He scoffed.
“He never was and never will be your Yoochun.” Jaejoong seethed. Before he could say or doing anything more he was pulled away but a set or sturdy arms and held tightly, in a comforting way.
“Enough Jaejoong. We need to figure out what we are going to do about the ten armed men outside.” Changmin ordered softly as he hugged Jaejoong from behind. He needed to stay focused , not fall into another one of Yunho’s traps and rally everyone together.
Yoochun couldn't just stand around and do nothing. He need to help but he wasn’t sure if he should drop the food and rush in guns blazing (happy to have his guns on him today), or if he should drop the food and run back to the Saloon for help. The first options could get him killed, but buy Changmin and the rest time, and the second option could waste too much time and cost Changmin and Jaejoong their lives. Yoochun took a second to make up his mind. He knew what had to be done; he dropped the food and ran.
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