My LiveJournal 12 DaysMy True Love gave to me...12
_anthas a-hollering.11
_charmings a-posting.10
adingbobos a-commenting.9
beachbarbiexos a-laughing.8
collaborates a-yelling.7
duckadorks a-smiling.6
kellyzmyidols a-sniffing.5 bronze
mer88s.4 sleeping
naturalxwomans.3 Canadian
shirz87s.2 goat
vanillarosess.And a
vasudevas in a apricot tree.Another fun meme brought to you by
laurcloudangel's Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level: 4Average number of words per sentence:8.74Average number of syllables per word:1.40Total words in sample:3678Another fun meme brought to you by
rfreebern The Potion Makerlaurcloudangelium is a milky, runny beige gel obtained from the root of a morning glory.Yet another fun meme brought to you by