Dec 15, 2004 19:17
this entry is inspired by one of evans..
i just read his about nick and lauren
lauren has to be one of my nicest friends
it really kills me to see nick (who i WAS also friendly with) walking around in his pink shirts complaining about having no car while Lg is at home in pain :(..i havent gotten the chance to see her yet but her neighbor kayla told me that her jaw hurts so bad that she can harldy talk..i just feel so bad..she also just made cheerleading and she was so excited about it and now she cant even do it untill she gets better..its not fair..:( :( :(
well before i go to sleep in my heatless house
i just want to let you all know you can feel free to visit me tommorow at abercrombie 4-9
and i am getting my licence in three weeks from today
get better Lg <3