May 23, 2004 11:52
I hope Comcast calls me soon for an interview...I really want to work there! I don't like being bored! Plus, I'm broke, and I keep going shopping, which probably doesn't help the broke factor, although it does keep me from getting bored :P
Saturday I went to Beck's graduation party w/ T, that was fun...we played croquet and we came in 2nd! YES! that is good, considering me and T never played before! Beck's house is 2 hours north...well when I drive its probably shorter ;) but I like driving so it was fun :)
Then I came home and helped my mom watch Heather's twin babies! OMG they are so adorable! We took them on a walk, and my mom kept telling all the neighbors that we were just babysitting, that they were not mine or hers lol. they are soooo cute!
six days til Disney World! I cannot wait for the Carousel of Progress! Breakfast with Mary Poppins! Fantasmic! I'm almost at Disney World! yayayay! :)