Pre-explanation: I feel, throughout life, that once in a while we need to stop and just take stock of all the things that make our lives interesting and beautiful. Little, tiny moments that make us chuckle or surprised, angry or sad - the one story of the day that we remember for a while. I call these "Epic Moments". Though that suggests that they are possibly far more grandiose than they actually are....!
Today I was in a Philosophy lecture, listening to my lecturer (who reminds me of Ross from Friends) talk about the 'Man of Reason'. A girl, who has persistantly raised her hand to debate a point about six times in every lecture so far in extensive detail raised her hand to talk.
I was just thinking at that point that I was finding her a bit annoying and her comments broke up the lecture, so I got out my phone to text back a friend. Halfway through her comment, there was a sudden voice behind me.
"Excuse me, sorry, would it be okay if we could get on with the lecture?"
I froze. Blind panic sets in. Partially because of what he'd said had been way out my zone of English politeness, but partially because he's sitting behind me and I'm on my phone. I quickly stuff it inside my pocket.
"I'd rather like to listen to the lecture actually," the boy continues.
How unbelievably rude! I thought. The poor girl! But then as lecturer responded professionally that it was good to get comments and treated him disparagingly, the utter guilt seeped into me that... er... he'd just dared to voice exactly what I'd been thinking.
Well, that's awkward.
Was he justified? He was very rude, but then again, I had been thinking the exact same thing. I would have just never had said it. So was it okay for him to say that? Or am I just an utter cow and him a bit of a d*ck? Perhaps I'll never know...