There would be a cool post here, if it weren't today

Dec 06, 2011 18:38

There would be a cool post here, if it weren't today.

Not that today has been bad, as such; it's more that I am barely sputtering along on the very last fumes of brain-power. At points during the day I found myself thinking, "what if I posted about.... No." Or "Wonder if I.... No." Finally it was just "No," skipping all that useless preamble stuff.

*Matt Smith in the Observer, in case anyone missed it.
*Thinking about winter? The Guardian offers Henry Raeburn's late 18th-century portrait of an ice-skater.
*Here in the subtropics, mind, it's a delicious December day, unseasonably but perfectly warm.
*As for me, I am finishing a few lovely malted biscuits-for-cheese and a wee drop of Benziger Sangiocomo West Rows Chardonnay.
*This is because I just was gifted Oz and James Drink to Britain, and I felt moved to crack open a bottle. But now I must drink water and fasten my thoughts on Higher Things.
*Perhaps -- cue Flora Poste -- on the Higher Common Sense.

I must say that Matt Smith, Oz & James, F&M biscuits, a drop of Chardonnay, and thoughts of Stella Gibbons' masterwork will indeed turn around a shit day. Or perhaps I'm just shallow.

In any event, cheers to all, and whatever turns your day around!
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