On this Sunday, I am moved to cheer us all up with various links. (Is this because I am too lazy and/or busy with work and two writing projects to write something interesting here? Hush, tell no one.)
Joanna Lumley is the coolest, as this interview from The Observer shows.
Well, HELLO, visual representation of what I find attractive in men! Also, mercy me oh my. Also, this is what I call inspiration for a project already on the boil....
"This is not a cliche." Hugh Laurie's actual, proper L'Oreal for Men commercial.
Fourth: Back to The Observer, and this time
the awesomeness that is America Ferrara. Fifth: Via Tomandlorenzo.com, more awesomeness:
Helena Bonham Carter as Miss Havisham. There! I hope one of these links is a joy in a day of time changes and earthquakes, and I hope that the week ahead is fabulous.