Aug 31, 2011 19:08
Evening's falling, Raul Malo's voice is pouring out of the old-school stereo, the Blonde Dog is sighing, and I am ready for autumn.
The autumnal equinox is still several weeks away -- and for a resident of the subtropics, autumn is far later than that. I am ready, nevertheless.
(I am also anticipating the season with my first allergy-possibly-cold combination, la la la cough.)
Anyway, when I'm not editing my clothes drawers and my closet in very, very early preparation for the November 1 Changing of the Seasons, I am letting my last big writing project rest and percolating on the next big one. I also just renewed this Livejournal, and I s'pose I should get some use of it. Which means --
I'll take the first five suggestions for September posts. Give me a word, a phrase, an image, or a suggestion, and I'll bring you a post. Um, sometime in the next four and a bit weeks.
[Edited: Prompt 1 is Fall Fashions; Prompt 2 is Pumpkins. Prompt 3 is Colors. Prompt 4 is Books. Prompt 5 is Music.]
Whether you prompt or not, I wish you a lovely lead-in to Autumn (or Spring, depending on where you live). Happy days to you!