So that week also happened. [falls face-first on floor, narrowly missing Master Danger]
The week's joys:
*booking a lunch for a couple of weeks from now with a colleague and friend I don't see often
*completing a work-task I'd been dreading and putting off
*not yet getting the death-rhinovirus going around my workplace (it's knocking on the door, but I've not let it in)
*after the passing of Al Jarreau, pulling out all of my 80s vinyl and remembering how I loved him
*finishing The Riviera Set by Mary Lovell, a nonfiction book about the glamourous years 1920-1960. I loved the first half, pre-WWII. It took me forever to get through the post-war chapters, however, since I didn't care for those people.... But it's finished!
*this image of
Caroline Issa in a color combo from my past
*thinking about David Hockney, excited to see the exhibition
*making iced tea with Fortnum's Rwanda Orange Pekoe, local honey, and two slices of lemon
*finding a shirt-dress I'd forgotten I had [rolls eyes at self] in my closet
*new Brooks Brothers cunningly cut blue shirt on massive sale (I'd link but it's gone from the website)
*azalea season
*writing a couple of pages on my stalled project
What's making you happy these dark days? Sending good thoughts and light your way.