On the 6th day of the 8th month....14 points.
1) I took a 26-hour vacation (including driving time) this week, which demonstrated to me that I need a much much LONGER vacation.
2) As in, I was sitting on my hotel balcony watching distant evening water, and I felt my shoulders relax, draining away tension I hadn't been consciously carrying.
3) My shoulders are tense again.
4) I had drinks at a very, very posh place. The wine was okay, the bread was extraordinary, and the ambiance lovely.
5) Master Danger is not so happy with my vacation, or with various plumbing disasters unrelated to the bathroom renovation (which were sorted out before the vacation).
6) I hope he will cheer up soon. Once renovation stuff is done, I'd actually like to invite people to my house.
7) I am still exhausted, by the way. So, so exhausted.
8) The last series of Inspector Lewis starts on Masterpiece tomorrow night.
9) My personal preference of Morse-related product: #1 is Endeavour, #2 Inspector Lewis, and #3 Inspector Morse himself. But I think I'll start revisiting O.G. Morse anyway.
10) Hoping for rain today.
11) We had a brief spell of minimal rain yesterday, but my little town is SO dry. Worst rainy season ever.
12) I am following national politics with some horror. I won't talk about it here, really, but #imwithher.
13) Let's think of more soothing things, like moonlight. Like
this painting by Joseph Wright of Derby.
14) May magic and moonlight give you joy this weekend.