(no subject)

Apr 07, 2005 10:42

Today is a busy day.. I need to get my oil changed and my snow tires taken off of my car. Then I have lab check-offs for first responders which I'm kinda nervous about. I think it's just the 1 on 1 thing that scares me.. the t.a.'s are nice, so it should be okay, I hope. I need to get a new windshield wiper for my car... and figure out how to put it on my car! and I need to write my paper for psychopharmacology. it's not due until Sunday, but I'm going home this weekend and I don't want to worry about it at home. I'm really excited for the weekend. My friend Lynda is home from Texas with her husband and baby. We've been like family since we were 12, so I can't wait to see her and her baby. I've got a lot of plans to see friends and hopefully go shopping and get my hair hi-lited. I have an orthodontist appointment, the LAST one.. and an eye appointment. I don't think I've ever had an eye appointment. They test your eyes and ears in elementary school and that's the last time they were checked. But I failed my eye test when I renewed my license last summer. They only allow you to try it twice, so I had to come back the next day and try it again. I passed it the second time, but sometimes things definitely are not as clear as they should be.. so we'll see what's up. This is the first time I've been home since my parents split.. the whole "Dad's house" "mom's house" is going to be super awkward. But it's life, and sometimes life is awkward.. and the only way to get past it is to get used to it.

I turned in my application for the pool last week, I can't wait to find out if I got it! I talked to some of the girls in my house that are staying here and we're all pretty excited. I think it will be a pretty rad summer with the girls. I'm excited to be single, for once in my life. I'm excited for new classes.. even if it's math.

Time to start getting ready for my day.
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