Mar 22, 2006 21:10
Oh man, sorry I have been such a mad slacker lately. Oh, LiveJournal, why do I have no time for you during midterm week? What's that you say? Why on earth would you have all of your midterms after spring break? That's the worst scheduling you've ever heard of, you say? Well, LiveJournal, you have forgotten one important fact: I go to NYU, aka the MOST RIDICULOUS SCHOOL IN THE WORLD.
So yeah, that's the deal. I come home from a glorious, exciting, warm spring break only to recall that I have three tests in one week. Some welcoming, right? Thankfully, I've survived two: Latin on Tuesday (easier than expected) and Social Psychology today (harder than expected). I'll round out this week of joy with Chemistry on Friday. Unfortunately, all these exams have made me mega-buddies with the sixth floor of the library lately, and I'm about to tear my hair out if I have to look at an equation, a textbook, or even a desk again. ARRRGGGGHHHHH. If I can only make it through one more day, I'll be home free from any major tests or projects for weeks.
Anyways, on to happier subjects, namely: SPRING BREAK! I'm not gonna lie when I say it was hella awesome. I absolutely love being back in D-town, and I can't wait for the next 6 weeks or so to be over to I can come back to the grand ol' state of NC for good. Plus, I got to catch the tail end of the ACC tournament (16 times, bitches!) and the beginning of NCAA action. Days and days of watching nothing but college basketball all day long - what could be better? If your name is Laura ALICE Ciompi, almost nothing. I filled out a bracket for a facebook competition, and I'm currently in 7th place (out of 40 or so). Yeah, I'm pretty much a beast. If it weren't for Kansas and Syracuse and UNC (though I'm not exactly shedding tears over this one... hahaha.) losing, I'd be doing even better. Oh well, if it weren't for great upsets, it wouldn't be any fun, right? Keep your fingers crossed for Duke and the Zags for me, and hope my two fave teams make it to the Final Four.
Okay, no more basketball talk. I promise. For now. After all, Duke does play again tomorrow.
The official first day of Spring was Monday. Though you wouldn't know it here, as it's still like 35 fucking degrees every single day. Seriously, I don't understand how people live here - cold weather just makes me so depressed after a while. I mean, it's almost April, for Christ's sake, could we get some warm days here and there? I swear, if it isn't warm (and I'm talking like 70 degrees warm, none of this 55 bullshit) by my birthday, there will be some serious smackdowns going on. I don't know who exactly you complain to about weather conditions, but trust me, I'll find them.
I also made pretty much the most awesome workout mix ever today. Consisting mostly of Kelly Clarkson remixes. Techno music = good workout music, Kelly Clarkson = better workout music, Kelly Clarkson Techno songs = BEST WORKOUT MUSIC EVER. Man oh man, is it good. I mean, I know I have an almost unhealthy obsession with my girl KC, but I promise you need to go download some remixes right now. And then go run.
Mmmmmm... the clock now says 9:30ish. Time for Law & Order and bed, I think!