Aug 31, 2005 23:17
So I'm chilling in Geography lab and I hear all these sirens. Apparently, someone in the chem building split some stuff and caused huge problems for the rest of campus. It took me literally 30 min to get from north campus to the IM fields b/c the bus had to detour away from the chem building. I barely made it before 3 to a gas station to fill up before they closed the pumps down.
I'm pissed at the prices, but its know comparision to the thousands of people along the coast who lost their loved ones and homes. I cannot begin to imagine ever being in that situation. God bless them.
No Jamo this weekend. Gas prices are keeping him in Ohio. :( Oh well. They'll be more games.
Tomorrow is gonna be a busy day. Class from 9:30 to 1:45. Then straight to work. And from work to Michael Tolcher's concert to see Tiffany. Then study because my first quiz of the semester is on Friday. Espanol. Lovely.
Other than that, I'm loving the apartment life. Getting along wonderfully with my roomies. Hanging out with Sara, always a good thing. Starting to work out. Studying more. Just staying busy.