Nov 14, 2009 19:02
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY GRAM!!!!! I love you lots!!!
I've been very busy lately. Working two jobs is tough and the commute to Schenectady every day is for the birds. Does anyone else wonder where the expression "for the birds" comes from?
Work is up to it's usual inefficient, dysfunctional shenanigans. I used to find the dysfunctional nature of theatre to be endearing. Not so much anymore. I was hired to paint a drop for them and use a local university's studio space to do it in. I spent Halloween weekend painting a drop for another local college (which was a great experience). Then Monday I met with Ken, the very talented designer who I like working with. Turns out it's a drop and three scrim panels they want me to paint... AND there are no scrims (they hadn't even been ordered yet), AND the drop is not ready AND there was no petty cash to buy paint with. All of these things are a problem. So I got really upset. They were so far behind with this show. I didn't want to be expected to come in during the 11th hour and fix everything and make it all look pretty. So I sent an email to all those concerned and told them I can only paint these pieces if you provide the materials within a few days. Then once I get them done you are on your own. Well that email got results- they had the drop ready the next day and the ordered the scrims and put a rush on the delivery (don't want to know what that cost them). They gave me the company debit card to buy paint with.
So I used the help of Ken's lovely painting students to get the drop done in a few days. Then I painted the scrim panels in the shop. They looked beautiful (as scrims usually do) but the plastic I had laid them out on did not play nicely. The dried paint underneath had stuck to the back of the scrim. I was very sad. I had to go to my other job, so I had to leave it in the hands of my co-workers. I'm not sure which I was more upset about... The next day I found out their solution sort of worked- only they lost one of the scrim panels. That's right, they misplaced it... and couldn't find it for quite awhile. What I can't find are the words to describe what things are like over there.
Last night I expected to get a call asking me to come in to do notes. Thankfully I did not, even though I think Ken wanted me too. It's hard for me to not go in and fix everything. This is a good experience for me to not take on everyone else's problems- and it's very difficult!
Sometime this month I will go back on salary, then all the problems will be mine again- but I can plan for them. I am glad that Ken is also designing the next show, so we will continue to get to work together.
Today I have accomplished very little, but I'm okay with that.