itchy itchy itchy!!!

May 01, 2006 11:39

Holy fuck tattoos itch when healing!!! I dreamed all night that my hip itched but I wasn't allowed to scratch it...

Anyhoo, for those of you who don't know Anna Banana, she's been updating pretty well about our trip--check out her LJ here: for more details.

When she gets out of the shower she's going to write/pot pics about twister... I have no idea how many butt shots she got of me and the girls... but now that I'm sober I should probably look at them again before she posts...

BTW I learned that whiskey works better than cough syrup. Unfortunately it tastes vile and gets me fucking drunk. But when I have a bad cough and still go out dancing/drinking in smoky clubs and pubs till all hours of the night I gotta do something to numb the pain... and whiskey works damn well!!

OK, off to re-look at twister photos through my groggy haze...
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