More TV (& Movie) Ramblings

Apr 25, 2011 23:23

I'm going to ignore the fact that I'm extremely late to the game when it comes to everything I've watched recently, ranging from 1 year-ish late to almost 2 decades late (o_o). There are a couple perfectly good explanations for that ... 1) I have not had any time to keep up with any TV for the past 3 years and am just now starting to plough through the backlog, and 2) practically nothing on TV right now holds even an ounce of interest for me, so I'm going back and watching all the good stuff from yesteryear to satisfy me instead.

Battlestar Galactica! OMG I can't contain my love for you! 8D I'm midway through Season 3, and don't know how I could have possibly watched it when it was running its course on SyFy because sometimes I have to see the next episode immediately. HAVE TO.

The best thing about waiting until a show/movie franchise/book series is no longer in production to dive into it? Instant gratification.

Recent anime consumption:

Rin: Daughters of Mnemosyne -- Whoa. Hard to watch. It was dark, very tragic, extremely graphic and quite disturbing. Still, it was pretty good up until the strange ending. It reminded me of the same way Neon Genesis Evangelion went off the deep end.

Fushigi Yuugi -- I've wanted to watch this one since high school. Now that I'm able to go to the gym frequently, I needed something to watch on my phone while on the elliptical machine and this was it. Very girly, lots of impossibly beautiful and effeminate male characters (yay?), the story was sometimes kind of "meh" and some things the characters did or thought were just nonsensical, but overall, enjoyable.

Gantz (Currently watching) -- Justin stumbled upon Gantz completely by accident while in Japan for his work travel. The Gantz live action movie had come out a couple weeks before, and he saw movie posters around town that looked awesome (couldn't read them, obviously, but the sight of guys in black battle suits with crazy weapons peaked his interest). He insisted that we go see the movie when I joined him over there, so we saw it (no subtitles of course -- all in Japanese and so we read a brief plot description online ahead before seeing the movie so we wouldn't be completely lost). We were able to follow the movie fairly well without understanding the dialogue, and ended up inexplicably loving it, so naturally we read up on it and discovered the anime (and it happened to be on Netflix!). We're not very far along in the series, but so fair, it's damn entertaining. Holy crap is it graphic and super gory, but the plot is a mindjob and trips me out!

I need to find more friends who've seen these things to talk about them with! :(

The Fast and the Furious franchise -- I don't know exactly why after all these years and with the fifth movie coming out this week, I suddenly want to watch all the ones I haven't seen so we can go see Fast Five this week. I avoided this franchise like the plague ever since the first one came out (when I was in high school -- this makes me feel so old!). They were all nothing but flashy, overblown mindless blockbusters that I never cared a thing for. But my recent appreciation for cars softened my stance a little. Tokyo Drift was on TV once last year and I got pulled in. Not bad. Just last weekend we watched the first one, and now I have to see 2 Fast 2 Furious and Fast and Furious (honestly, what the hell's up with these titles?). I'm not expecting much at all and normally don't ever give movies like this the time of day ... but, oh well. First time for everything.

movies, tv

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