Jun 25, 2008 13:22
Well, I'm going back to camp this summer. It'll be a different camp, and I don't have to stay there, but I'm back to camp. I'm going to be the office manager at Wyoka this summer, assuming can ever get ahold of the camp director there. You'd think there would be an answering machine or something.
I'm waiting for the school board to post jobs for secondary. I talked to the lasy who posts, and she said hopefully by the enc of the day. I'm waiting for interview times for the other 6 jobs I applied for. And I"m trying to decided if I shoudl just up and go teach in England. They seem to want me. So far, I said maybe next year, but maybe I should just call them back and tell them to go ahead for this coming september. So many decisions.
I went to graduation last night. It was different to go to a grad in a church, and one that was for only 2 classes. Last year we were in the gym of the high school with 7 classes. It was really nice, and teh parrents put on a dance at the K of C hall outside of town, so it was completely teacher resposibility-less, it was great.