We cleaned Peanut's room (you wouldn't know it now!) and he set up a train on his train table. Squish is also very interested in what Peanut is doing.
And one of my favorites! He doesn't fall asleep while playing very often, but when he does it is SO CUTE!!! :)
Squishface crawled last night! Or at least he got up and scooted forwards! He's been going backwards for awhile and getting frustrated about it. So uh... yeah, that's the end of that! My living room is also totally clean! At least the part where the boys play. It's sad that it took me 2 days to clean a large part of 1 room. But hey, one day at a time right? Maybe today I'll get the entryway part of it clean! LOL, right!
Oh what am I thinking, I have to go to Target today! Oh, that is so not fun with the boys...