Notwithstanding the crapfuckular job those assholes at Proex did on my 2 rolls of film I shot on the trip, here are the ones of Athens. They didn't screw these up too bad at least. There are big fuckin' scratches all over some of the Weston ones >:( Well, serves me right for thinking you get what you pay for. Next time I'll go to Wal-Mart where they don't give a shit and don't try to "fix" things that aren't broken by fucking them up, and where I will pay less than half what I payed at stupid Proex.
I still really like shooting film. There's something about that anticipation, the not knowing. The excitement when you open the pack of pictures. That new-photo smell. There is a depth in film that I can't seem to achieve with digital. I don't know if its because my camera is not expensive enough, or if digital just can't do what film can do. I need to learn more about film, because I know there is so much more out there than Fuji 200. But for now, that's what you get. Hey, at least I stopped shooting 126! Actually, I think if I could find the film and flash bulbs, there's probably still a 126 camera around here somewhere...
Well i hope you've all enjoyed Athens. Actually before I say that I should warn you, we went back 2 days later and took more pictures! So you'll see it again! You all don't know how lucky you are!
Have to clean my house today. People coming over tomorrow. Blah.
Is it really sad and pathetic that I can't wait till next week when hopefully Netflix will send me the movie I've been waiting for for 20 years, Lost Boys 2, which I assume will be absolutely terrible? No, I'm sure "terrible" won't even begin to describe it. But yet, I am totally stoked!
In other news, Peanut won't let anybody else play the Wii.