Remember when Jesus was blonde? Like all the movies and tv shows (and paintings hung up in Sunday School) that involved Jesus would have this guy of obviously Scandinavian descent playing Jesus? Well that's who my little brother looks like these days. Blonde Jesus.
and here's a cute picture of Blonde Jesus and his life partner Brandy.
I have scheduled 3 preschools to visit today, 1 tomorrow, and 1 on Thursday. The Thursday one is the one that, not having seen any of them, I want to get into. I hear its really hard to get into it, BUT when I talked to the lady on the phone today and said I was interested in afternoons, she sounded very excited and said "we like to hear that!" So I'm hoping afternoons are a lot easier to get into!
4 out of 5 of the preschools we're looking at are in churches. Good thing my brother is Blonde Jesus!