untitled, colored pencil, 8x10 framed
title ideas? Ray calls it "during" because he has a picture of the house the day it sold and another the summer after the flood when it was all trashed and overgrown. So he calls them "before," "during," and "after." But that's not what I want to call it! Yeah, and "Nature's Revenge" is already the name of the "after" picture, so its taken. Maybe this one could be "Nature's Revenge 1" and the other could be "Nature's Revenge 2."
For that last 20 minutes I've been cooking a pan of nothing. I forgot to put the livers in!
We got a Y membership for xmas. Like I have all kinds of energy to work out. Ha. I don't have a swimsuit that fits me either. Oh yeah, and my scale lies! It is an evil, hateful thing!