My brother and daughter went to headstart which are free for certain income levels, but they are crappy for an type of education. Plus it is really hard to get them to work with kids on special diets. I just ended up staying home or taking a night job until Krystalin was in kindergarten. We looked at private school for her, since public can't keep up and the cheapest we could find was $50,000 a year.
Yeah, headstart around here I think you have to be DIRT poor, and since I'm only regular-poor, I would never qualify! My sister went to head start, but I think it was more like free daycare.
I've been poking around, and it looks like we're far too rich to get into public preschool (they only want kids who qualify for free/reduced lunch), and we're far too poor to afford the private places. Church-affiliated preschools usually have slightly more reasonable rates, so that's what I'm looking into now. I've got a Methodist thing on my list. I don't even know what a Methodist is! :O
Methodist is one of the more laid back Christian religions. They aren't the type that believe everyone should be converted. Or at least the one that I went to anyway.
That's good! I have this craaaaazy church that has a preschool across the alley from my house, but I won't send him there because that particular denomination is hateful toward women and everybody who isn't what they are. I've never heard anything about Methodists, so hopefully they're ok!
My mom is Methodist, they are kinda Religion Light. They don't want you to sin, but if you's cool they still love you. Mom's church is even pro-gays..which is pretty rare.
That's good! i don't mind the religion-light sorts of folks! The Methodist place is pretty far away, but if its really nice (and inexpensive) I might still consider it.
If you find a Montessori-based program through a church, he'd have SO MUCH FUN. I remember being BORED with regular preschool and when I transfered to a Montessori program it was AWESOME.
I've been poking around, and it looks like we're far too rich to get into public preschool (they only want kids who qualify for free/reduced lunch), and we're far too poor to afford the private places. Church-affiliated preschools usually have slightly more reasonable rates, so that's what I'm looking into now. I've got a Methodist thing on my list. I don't even know what a Methodist is! :O
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