more Argusville School by Bethany

Dec 10, 2007 08:58

Today we will explore, through the eyes of Bethany, the top floor of the original school building. She took a lot of pictures of the murals students did on the walls.

come on up!

some kind of large cat

peeling dragon

moon, heart balloons, and angry dog

door to the west classroom

west classroom, the suspected art room. I wonder about Mitch Calkins. I wonder if he ever assumed power.

edgy heart and yellow flower

the truth is out there

I don't remember this place. It must be the drier side of the Very Wet room.

the very pale gang from South Park

west classroom cupboards. Behind that broken window is the Very Wet room.

the east classroom, which I now suspect was a computer lab.

handprint in computer lab. definitely done by a ghost.

abandoned things, schools

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