Ray said "pimping." And not in the context of prostitution. He may very well be the only almost-64-year-old man who had managed to work that word into his everyday vocabulary. Now I know he's really a junior high school girl! Maybe he's posessed...
This chick at work has gone insane and said I look like Angelina Jolie. Bwahahahahahaha! I so DO NOT! And neither does my husband look like Brad Pitt... :P I know who we look like. I look like Drew Barrymore and Greg looks like Vince Gill. Jeez. Everyone knows that.
Peanut was extra cute last night. I just know my mother-of-the-year award is coming, because I forgot to put his shoes on and didn't realize it till we were in the park. My landlady noticed, but thought it was part of his costume. We walked through a rough parking lot and I told Peanut it was part of his kung fu training. We got to the park thing, it was in a gym, and they had no kids yet, and three stations:
1. Decorate your own cookie!!! Yay fun! NOT.
2. Hot dogs! Excuse me while I vomit.
and 3. SUPER FUN MOONWALK shaped like a tiger! Yay! OMG Peanut that looks like somuchfun!!! Do you think Peanut would agree with his monny, who has FAR MORE experience than he? Of course not. He wouldn't go near it. I even tried to pick him up and stuff him in! Do you know how hard it is to stuff a 3-year-old who doesn't want to go into a moonwalk? Yeah. So instead he thought it would be a hoot to run away from me across the slippery gym floor. You know where I'm going with this right? Yeah, his feet slipped out from under him and, as always, he bonked his giant head on the floor. In the exact spot where he always bonks his head. Right there on the scar where he had his stitches. So now his stitches scar is on top of a big goose egg.
Then we walked back down our street and hit a couple of houses. I told Peanut that people wouldn't give him treats if he didn't wear his hat, and after the first house, when I saw that look of OMG Someone Just Gave Me Treats! on his face, I told him "she gave you treats because you're wearing your hat." So Peanut wore the hat the whole time we were out!
We got to the creepy cult-church at the end of the block, and they had gone all out. I wish I'd have gotten a picture. They had the door flung open to reveal what inside is one of the most beautiful churches I'd ever seen, complete with lots of red things. Its the way a church should look, if only they didn't have to, you know, go around talking about god and stuff. Anyway, so the preacher is standing at the top of the stairs in full-on preacher clothes, framed by the light of the inside of the church, and loud organ music is curling around him. It was impressive. They were giving away play-doh and little candy bags with Bible verses on them.
Peanut was getting the hang of it by the time we were done. He didn't recognize any of the treats he was getting, but he still knew they were treats. He kept looking into his treat bag. "Treats!" he would say. Then when we got inside we distracted him while I pulled out all his candy and replaced it with Dots, Mike & Ike's, Hot Tamales, and Swedish Fish. He didn't notice this year like he did last year. But he was surprised when he looked into his treat bag and saw things he knew. "There are DOTS in here!" he exclaimed, obviously confused. But he likes Dots, so he didn't seem to mind. It would have been nice if someone out there had been handing out something fruity like that, so he could have been more excited to see it going into his bag, but oh well. What can you do?
Of course there will be pictures! When I finally get them all gone through and stuff.
I miiiiight be getting Twin Peaks on DVD for my birthday... ;) It miiiiight even be already here, but I gotta wait!
*random picture*
Peanut & Papa Gary