Memorial Day Adventure Day 3, Part 5 - Sarles School & Gym

Jul 10, 2007 09:28

Sarles School. I loved the sign! I really hope it can...

the swings. I remember when the swings were all functional. My grandma lived across the street from the school playground. Not that anyone in Sarles lives very far away from anything else in Sarles. There used to be an old wooden merry-go-round back there too, but that's been gone for many years.

"safety seat"

I tried to get into the school, but it was locked! This lady who lives across the street was sunning herself and came over to talk to us. I forget her name, but long story short she said "I wish I knew who had the keys!" which was a lie lie LIE, in fact I'm pretty sure she has the keys, but was too lazy to go get them. At any rate, the door to the gym was unlocked. This is the entryway.

An almost hidden staircase leads up to this projection booth.

The gym, as seen through a little square in the projection booth. As you can see, there's some water. Not as much water as last time I went in there (2 years ago). Last time I was there, the entire floor had probably a foot of water, and there were bushels of cardboard boxes sitting in it, rotting. Oh, the smell was something else! There was still a smell, but nothing like those rotting boxes.

There is a way into the school from the gym, through the basement. But I didn't know how deep the water got, nor did I have any wading equipment. I would say "next time," but next time has already been discussed with some people who are going to hopefully let me in the front door.

Here is the same scene, but from the entryway. You might recognize that the clock above the stage and my userpic are the same clock. It's stopped at 8:13. What are the chances? (cue Twighlight Zone theme...)

The water on the floor was actually flowing. It was weird. There were all kinds of paint chips and stuff in it, and it was churning around. It was some nasty stuff! If M was ever going to regret wearing those flip-flops, it was now. But she never said anything. The floorboards had been pulled up from half the gym floor, which is why half is full of water and the other half is relatively dry.

Inside that door to the left of the stage. Looks like some exercise equipment and large tables. Not doing so well.

Looking back towards the front door from the stage.

On either side of the stage were locker room areas. For plays, me mum said, one side was for boys and the other for girls. For games, one side was for the Sarles team and the other for the opposing team. This side was the boys.

See what happens when you let boys take care of their own bathroom! :P

Boy's locker/dressing room. The entrance to the room was blocked by an air hockey table!

The ladies' room.

And that's it folks! That's the Sarles Gym! Stay tuned, because hopefully in a week and a half, I'll be doin' the school! =P

schools, adventures, road trips, sarles

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