You know... I never DID find out the plural form of mongoose!

Mar 24, 2002 17:10

Whee... so, yeah, I've had a pretty much fantastic weekend... Completely and utterly unproductive, but fantastic nontheless. ^_^ I could go into detail about the conversation that made my weekend fantastic... but I wont ^_^ Suffice it to say I got a compliment (Actually, a couple) from someone... and I like getting compliments from this person ^_^ *fangirlish squeal*

Um... what else has happened recently... I need to get off my lazy ass and actually do my law homework before midterm, else I'll have a failing grade, and wont get into university *sigh* The stress.... I actually worked on the three months of backlogged homework a lot today, I'm taking a little break.

OH! There's these two kids I taught last session, theyre brothers, and they drove me nuts seperately... And I didnt think when writing the report cards, One of them passed level 3 and one of them failed level 4... thus putting them in the same class... MY CLASS. What's worse, is while I'm teaching this class from hell, Tiffany has a level six, with all the kids I loved in my level five class... Oh well, Some of the kids I like are in the level four class... I just cant imagine how I'm going to manage teaching those brothers at the same time.

YAY! I just remembered that tomorrow's an early dismissal day! Score! I can come home and do a lot more of the backlogged Law Homework... *dances*

It's REALLY disturbing when they put real people headbanging in Gravitation... it throws off my perception of reality... *runs away to hide* So does the fact that the Quatreclone's cousin wears a pink shirt and purple vest... *sweatdrop*

The Quatreclone and his hats... K's random english... *sighs* Im gonna stop ranting about Gravitation now... ^_^

The Academy Awards are tonight... witness me caring. *twirls finger* ^_^ Mom's obsessed with watching them, its actually kinda sad. Her entire weekend is basically planned around watching this show...

I watch it sometimes if I have nothing better to do, I might tonight because I wanna see the Lord of the Rings stuff...

So... school tomorrow should be interesting... this disaster of a class drama project hopefully wont blow up in our faces... Whatever idiot had the bright idea to give me a speaking part while Im alone on the stage is gonna regret it... I can handle people looking at me, but when im on a stage theyre expecting something of me... nobody ever expects anything of me, and I like it that way!

That way, when I do something, its always unexpected.


Wasnt this a great use of time? *beams* Sometimes my randomness and pointlessness scares me...

And Sleepless Beauty from gravitation is a fantastic song! The Sacred Beauty Air Mix (The slwoer instrumental version) Kicks butt too! Gravitation music kicks butt! (Except Rage beat... im SO sick of that!)



oac, llrc, highschool, homework

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