MaryAnn from the EdwardJamesOlmos yahoo group ( ) sent Eddie an e-mail asking about Bill's life after Laura's death and Eddie has just answered her. This is what she wrote:
"I emailed Eddie and asked him about Adama's final days. In typical Eddie style, I got a humorous reply to share with all of you. Here's what he wrote:
<< He went on to build the cottage and hand crafted everything, lived to a ripe old age but got a surprise visit by Col. Tigh and had to help him out of some very difficult situations. He wrote his memoirs, and they are extraordinary - E!>> "
I am certainly not satisfied with this but I'm not sure how serious he was anyway.... All I know is that Lee and Kara said that Bill was not coming back and Eddie's theory is torturinbg me, so, pleeeease, people, make the guy answer seriously when you meet him at some conn!!!
Just because I ADORE him with that gun.... ^_^