Herondale - Random Legacy Challenge: 4.0

Nov 09, 2012 15:25

Uhm hi! i've got nothing to say ahah besides the fact that university is fjsdfhd i hate it. anyway, go on with gen 4 :D

Generation 4 Goals!
First three are clear. Misc Fun, The Joker, basically means there is no misc fun for this generation and that i had a bonus to change a category. I rolled again for Generation Goal (at first was Perfectionist and i’ve already done it with first generation). Perfect Children means that all the kids must age up perfectly and maximize every skill through the games (xylophone, toy oven, etc)

Penelope: Oh, c’mon dad!
Nigel: Ehm.. sorry sweetheart.
Penelope: It’s the fifth time!
That’s what happens when you wanna play with a genius guy.

Audrey: You grow really pretty, you know Pen?
Penelope: Aw, thank you mommy!

I agree with Audrey, Penny is really pretty ;-; ♥

Nigel: Be quiet, Sheryl.

Sheryl: This is so humiliating.

That's what happend to WooHooium when two sims have woohoo in the room :D

Graduation day!

Connor has been voted as Mast artistic talent, Penny as most likely to become a sports star. She’s also been chosen as valedictorian!

Then the two of them went together to the Bistrot for lunch ♥

Penelope: Now that i’m done with school life is so much better.
She can even smile during the training. Respect.

Chatting with a sim i've made as followers gift on tumblr (if you're interested.. here :D)

One night, Penelope met William Gless, a sim i made time ago.

He invited her over and they talked a bit, but..

Penelope: Sooo, what zodiacal sign are you?
William: I’m virgo.
Penelope: Okay sorry, it’s time to go for me.
Yeah, you know.. Penny’s a bit obsessed with zodiac sign.

Connor: *caugh* This apple pie is too stuffed with apples!
Being it an apple pie...

Audrey:...I'm hungry!
..go and get some food?

Next day, Penny met Ned Brax (he's also in the 300+ followers gift :D)

Ned: Sooo what do you do for liv-

Penelope: Before we even start flirting, what’s your zodica sign. I need to know it.
Ned: Ehrr.. libra?

Penelope: Yes! That’s perfect!
Ned: Uhm okay.. awkward.

Then he hit on her using the “i’m a fireman” card and she totally fell for it hahaha

They actually spent some time together and they flirted a bit :3

But then Penny had to go home. At least they’re good friends now :3

Aww Audrey met the unicorn! *o*

New girl in the neighborhood! She’s Belle Arbor ( Aristocraft ) and apparently it was love at first sight between Connor and she :D

Well, that was fast.. but hey, she was the first to flirt, so :D

Soo they're together now yup

Connor: Well dad, there's this girl.. i just met her. I mean, literally. I met her today and we're a couple.
Nigel: Well, that was fast.
Connor: I know, right? But i feel she's the right one.

Nigel: Everything that makes you hapopy, makes me happy, too.
Connor: Oh, thank you dad.

Connor: Uhm, Penny?
Penelope: What?
Connor: Did you all dressed up just to read the newspaper?
Penelope: Sooo funny, bro. I had a party, but it was so lame so i came home. But i’m too lazy to go upstairs and change clothes.

Aww poor hamster is dead ;-; i don't remember it's name but.. you'll be missed ;-;

Connor popped the big question..

..they get married..

..and they moved to Belle's house! Have a good life bb ♥ (just so you know.. he's going without car because he lives now at the end of the road.. sooo far haha)

Penelope: No way i’m gonna stay here with my parents and sisters and without that turncoats brother.
Awww Penny already misses Connor :3

This is Penelope’s new house! It’s tiny and almost empty but she lives on her own for now, so she doesn’t need much :)

Penelope's trying to "cook"  and easy autumn salad.

Penelope: Caugh dbdhdfs
..what did you do wrong, for mother’s sake?!
Penelope: Nothing! Maybe.. too much salt, you know.

After a couple of days, Penelope decided to go out to have some fun (living alone after growing up in a large family can be boring). At the disco she met her boss, Kade Bones (another sim i made some time ago).

Penelope: Sooo we’re not at work, then i guess we could.. dance?
Kade: Well, why not?

She changed her outfit and they started to have fun :3

Since Penny is obsessed by zodiac sign, she asked Kade which one is his. Their signs results compatible and this turned Penny impulsive

..Okay, maybe too much impulsive.
Penelope: How about going to my place? It’s only a couple of miles away. And then we can.. well, you know.
Kade: Let’s do this, beautiful.

Penelope: Bedroom is over there..
Kade: Well, what are we waiting for?

Penelope: Yayy!
Kade: “Ahhh, finally we get laid.”

After woohoo, Kade went home but i’d say he was pretty satisfied xD

Penelope instead, the next day, had some unknown trouble.

Apparently, Penelope needs some physical activity.. besides the bed one, of course.

But her unknown stomach problem won’t leave her alone :(

In these days she’s spending her time watching TV..

..eating ice cream..

..and vomiting.

And finally, she popped! I’ve never had a sim being as sick as Penelope D:

Penelope, i get you’re a slob sim but.. you’re pregnant. You’re going to have a baby. Please, clean up this mess.
Penelope: Leave me alone. I’m eating my pancakes, can’t you see it?
What did i do wrong in my life? ;_;

In the afternoon, Penelope went to the doctor for some pregnant routine check.

Then she went to the library, since she wants to read a book for preg-

Penelope: Actually, you want me to read it.
Shut up.

Uuuh looks who’s standing right in front of the library!
Penelope: Kade, hi! it’s been a while!
Kade: Hi, Penelope! Yeah, right.. you know, we never talked about last night.

Penelope: Actually it was more back than last night.. anyway, about that! I’ve something to tell you.. I’m kinda pregnant, you know.

Kade: Oh, great! I’m so happy for you, congratulation!
Penelope: “But.. He understood he’s the father?”
I wouldn’t swear to it.

Penelope: Let’s skip to the “single mother” chapter.
Awww, poor baby ♥

Thank you for reading :3
As always, thank to aheadytale for Nigel ♥

random legacy, 4.0, the sims 3, herondale

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